In brief, this is a summary of what I learned during my extended stay in Oxford, on the way back to Ireland, at least during my initial investigations at the campus library.
Saint Patrick:
So one of the things that Patrick is noted for is his direct communication with two of the Fianna of legend. These are the horsemen that were in service to Cordelia. I knew for a fact that at least one of them still resides within Mag Mell. The more and more I put facts together the more certain I became that Patrick must have been a Scion of Manannan mac Lir (the guy sure gets around!), The Morrigan, or Ogma as he is known to speak with the dead, the passing of souls and the written word/parables.
As for dragons... well... human natural science has pretty much proved the "never-existence" of snakes in Ireland. That I knew. But I also knew for a fact, as a Scion, that there's more to "snakes" and dragons than what science can prove. From illustrations and prints made from as far back as I was able to find, it seems Patrick came into conflict with quite a few serpent-themed druids. Probably practitioners of Cernunnos, otherwise known as one of the surviving halves of Pan (that was temporally displaced). So the connection there is not so much relevant information about dragons, but that someone of my pantheon had previously dealt with Pan on one level or another.
What remains mysterious is Patrick's later Christian aspects. He claims to have had a vision that sent him down that path but there isn't much more about it that I was able to discover.
Saint George:
Supposedly George not only slew the dragon, but tamed it as well by tying a girdle around it and leading it as if on a leash. This supposedly took place in modern day Libya, during the crusades at the time. The dragon was ravenous (demonstrating the Titanic virtue of Rapacity) and was eating a village out of livestock, and then children. George happened by when the King's daughter was set to be eaten and rescued her, using her girdle to do what is mentioned above.
After leading the dragon to the palace and offering to slay it on the condition of the whole town's conversion to Christianity, he then took the dragon's corpse away on 4 carts. So the dragon was likely not much older than a juvenile. What's particularly useful in the stories though is that the dragon is given many descriptors; "... where a plague-bearing dragon dwelled that envenomed all the countryside."; There is thus little doubt in my mind that the dragon was in-part a byproduct of union between one of Crom Cruach's ilk and Tiamat's brood.
It's almost impossible to tell any lineage of George due to his steadfast Christianity, however. Moreover, he is also revered in Muslim culture and other monotheistic religions in Asia-Minor as a great hero. As I have often thought, this definitely leads credence to the titanic virtue of Zealotry at work... which is a disturbing thought indeed... Perhaps this means that there is in-fighting amongst the Titans, but to believe this one would first have to accept that St. George was a follower of the Titans... could it be possible?
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