Sunday, June 19, 2011

Well, Eye never heard such a thing!

Nate texted Gunnar along with a iPhone photo of the cloudy remains of what used to be Caleb. Gunnar came riding back over the hills and pulled the bike to a stop near us.

After a short discussion, we pulled up the echo-location equipment and managed to find the cover to the tomb of the Eye and unearth it and set it aside. Without further ado, Gunnar, who had the key (Luc's ring) with him, jumped down into the darkness. I remembered he has this weird ability to see through darkness, fog, and other things that might obscure normal vision. I heard Gunnar grunt a bit when he hit the bottom.
Must've hurt.

After a few minutes, I heard Gunnar's voice...."Uh, Brendan...I need your help to read this shit"

"Be right down.", I said, activating my flying ability once more and gliding down the shaft, police flashlight in hand.

The writing around the chamber was not only in Old Irish, it was in Ogham script, same as the writing on Caleb's sword. I read carefully and translated as I went. Very cryptic, apocalyptic-type warning, but this was definitely the right place.

The Eye was rather plain and seemingly of concrete, or rather, not unlike the way the skin of a Fomorian might look. It was clear where the iris was, presumably the focusing point of its destructive power. It seemed not to be active.

Gunnar hefted the key in front of the Eye and said "and we'll make sure this (key) stays away from that thing..."

...and in so doing, we both heard a rumble turn into a high pitched whine and detected a faint glow that hadn't been in the chamber before that briefly overpowered my flashlight's output before settling back into near darkness.

Luck of the Irish. Happened right in front of me. Feck all...
Dad's gonna be pissed.

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