It was a very intricate plan. And as the old Irish saying goes, the fancier the plumbing, the easier it is to clog up the works. Or maybe it's a Scottish saying. I don't feckin' remember, doesn't matter.
Anyway, Harlan tried to put one over on old Krieger. The old Kraut werewolf wasn't havin' any of it. In fact, he came round and tightened my bonds, though at the time I didn't realize notice as I was still voluntarily under Harlan's hypnosis. Well, negotiations broke down and it wasn't long before Harlan ended up taking a swing at Krieger, Nate jumped on stage and cut off the mayor's son's head (well, he was a werewolf himself and a Nazi collaborator, so don't feel too sorry for him). Ciara easily slipped lose of her bonds using some escape artistry I've not quite mastered myself. She already killed two Nazi guards before I finally broke my own bonds the old fashioned way, with good ol' Scion epic strength...unfortunately by that point, our plan had exploded just like my bonds, because by this point a number of children had been shot (two, by my count) and they and the rest of the children in the square had been rushed to the safety of nearby homes and businesses in the buildings surrounding the main so much for flying Ciara's helicopter out safely with the children. It's just as well. With the way my luck's been in Wolfsheim so far, I wouldn't have been surprised if I got ambushed by Messerschmitts controlled by Nazi werewolves once I got airborne.
Anyway, once my bonds were loosed, I managed to pull out my Sig Sauer P226 service pistol and squeeze off a round at a Nazi werewolf guard while he took a shot at me with his rifle. My round merely grazed his torso and put a hole in his feldgrau uniform. Lucky for me, his rifle bullet hit my vest at a very odd angle and was deflected, though the impact hurt like feckin' hell.
I was about to line up for another shot when an eerie chorus of howls unlike anything I'd ever heard echoed all over the landscape. Suddenly, on opposite corners of the Wolfsheim town square sat two gigantic wolves, straddling the roofs of large buildings. They spoke in what I took to be Old Norse at first, which none of us could follow. They adjusted and switched to modern German. They directed their attention to Harlan, whom they addressed as "Uncle", for some reason. We learned their names to be Sköll and Hati. They explained they wanted to keep Wolfsheim for themselves. If we could fix the barrier (which by now we knew how to do) they would let us take as many humans with us as wanted to leave and allow us to live as well. Although I was just getting warmed up, and I personally thought we could take them, Harlan agreed to this arrangement before any of us could protest.
Sköll taunted Ciara and I both: "I thought you Irish were neutrals in the last war. If you want us to respect that, I suggest you listen to our uncle on this. Also, you will not harm the lesser werewolves further; they are under our protection and you will allow them to retreat."
The dazed remaining Werewolves shouldered their weapons, quietly assembled into a rough formation and began a slow route-step march out of town.
It was a bitter pill, but we agreed that Harlan had a point and it would minimize bloodshed. Sköll and Hati left, giving us 24 hours. Suddenly there was an explosion up at the munitions factory and a great cheer went up. Within minutes there were Goblins swarming the square wielding M-4 carbines, newly acquired. We stood in front of the human habitations and ordered the goblins to proceed to hunt the werewolves but to leave the humans here unmolested, explaining they were under our protection. The goblins were a bit confused, but reluctantly agreed. Before long, we could hear sounds of a fierce fire-fight erupting in the woods between goblins and werewolves. Luckily, as the forces shifted to gain advantage, both sides moved further and further from the center of town. This gave us the breathing room and time we needed to assemble the townspeople and take a quick poll of who wanted to leave and who wished to stay. I'd say we managed to convince about 1/3 of the populace that leaving was probably a good idea.
Nate furthermore had a very odd conversation with the Kami of the statue device in the middle of was far more haughty and arrogant than its brother the silver rod had been. Nate asked the priestess what position the rod was in before they removed it; they told him what they could remember, and the rod was reinserted and shifted back to the way it was. The barrier lowered and we were able to evacuate early the next morning.
We managed to resettle the villagers but a lot of it was tricky, since some of had been descended from the original inhabitants in the late 18th century in a corner of Germany that time basically forgot. Not only did they lack modern skills, they lacked anything like proper paperwork, birth certificates, etc. I started the legal process of getting citizenship rolling, and, coordinating with Nate, Laurel did what she could for us from the USA, calling Nancy Pelosi's office and doing other things. I used my INTERPOL credentials as best I could and made some headway, but then suddenly things got rushed through as if by magic. It became far easier than it should have been, much to my pleasant surprise. One weekend, Aisling and I managed to slip away to Ireland...we got married in the Irish countryside near Tara by a very stoned Celtic Reconstructionist pagan Priestess who had been one of my former probationers in Dublin...I found her and promised not to Narc on her to her current probation officer in County Meath...I'd ignore the fact that she'd fallen off the wagon again if she'd do our marriage ceremony and keep things low key. She agreed and was most grateful and congratulatory.
Our union sanctified by the Irish state and the Tuatha de Danann, the new Mrs. Aisling O'Shea and I headed off for a week-long romantic honeymoon in Paris, France, before getting back to business helping Nate and Ciara with the resettlement of the Wolfsheim refugees. Some had descended from Rheinlanders and I helped some of them re-settle in and around Strassbourg, even though this was today part of France.
Some ended up resettling across the border in Austria. It was a complicated bureaucratic shuffle, but we managed to pull it off.
Aisling and I returned to my apartment in Lyon and I went back to doing case review work for INTERPOL while Aisling stayed home watching TV and trying to learn more about human history outside of Ireland. We had been back in Lyon only a few days before I heard from Nate that Laurel and Gunnar would be joining us back in Germany, and we'd all be heading back into Wolfsheim. It seems that Laurel felt we should go above and beyond for the people of Wolfsheim and that Dionysus had agreed to create a wine-growing commune for the displaced Wolfsheimers, so they could peacefully re-settle into the calm, quiet village life they were used to and even become economically sustainable on their own with a little Greek investment up front. But there's always a catch, of course, and that catch is, we needed to bring Dionysus the ol' statue in the middle of Wolfsheim. We agreed to give it a shot.
We all met in Stuttgart and headed back out on the regional train and then made our way by car to the outskirts of Wolfsheim and then proceeded on foot. Laurel was accompanied by a new band member, a young blonde American woman who carried an expensive camera and an even nicer hunting rifle slung across her back. She mentioned something about being a freelancer, something about National Geographic...I didn't really pay close attention, to be honest. I think her name was Kassandra, or something.
Laurel and Gunnar were also slightly shocked to see Aisling in her new form and even more shocked to learn we were now married, matching rings and everything. They had been told of all this, but it still took them by surprise to behold her with their own eyes.
Acquiring the statue itself was easier than I thought it would be. Well, we did run into Hati and Sköll again, and Gunnar had to lay low a Aesir like him was viewed as a rival and not welcome...but Gunnar was a skilled Chicago gumshoe & a skilled Norse woodsman and knew how to stay hidden and knew how to double back. Harlan also showed off his impressive fast-talking ability and before long had Hati and Sköll chasing Goblins in their realm---with no direct way to return to Wolfsheim.
Very nice fake out, I had to admit. A classic "Let's you and him fight", more or less.
We met Dionysus on the edge of town, with Nate easily toting the statue with one hand, holding it aloft and gently helicoptering it. What happened next went so fast I could hardly keep up with it. Dionysus was joined by Zeus and Odin, then suddenly Dionysus changed his visage and we saw before us Harlan's dad, the very Loki himself, who grabbed the statue from Nate saying "thanks so much,", and heading away with it at high speed. Zeus and Odin both hurled ranged attacks that utterly destroyed some of the trees on the edge of the forest, but Loki had already vanished.
The real Dionysus showed up, ashen faced, and changed himself from how he had looked at Laurel's wedding to his true god form, a muscular blonde and beautiful Greek man of indeterminate age. I didn't catch much of the conversation but I did think I heard him tell Laurel that he was "sorry" and that he had "fucked up big time.", he cradled his hands in his head in frustration, rubbing his temples...
Well, nothing left to do but damage control now. Our next task was to accompany Laurel and Gunnar to the Norse underworld known as Helheim, to ask the Goddess Hel herself for a small favor. I knew a thing or two about this place from legends I'd read in High School and college. Despite her protests, I put Aisling on the next train/ferry combo to Dublin; she carried Nevermore in a cage, and Kassandra's cat in a pet carrier. I had bought Aisling a British Army Royal Irish Regiment forest green caubeen with feather and silver harp crest and I put it on her head. She looked even more beautiful like that. I cautioned Aisling that this was another divine realm and there was no telling how long I might be gone, but to look after mother and Nevermore and Kassandra's cat until I returned. Aisling nodded, then pulled me to her and kissed me deeply for nearly a minute before letting go, looking deeply into my eyes and saying "I remain your loyal partner, always..."
This blog is a work of fiction. It is an account of the personal journal of a fictional Scion RPG PC named Brendan O'Shea, Son of Ogma, of the Pantheon Tuatha De Danann. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. As Brendan himself might say, "...'Tis a load of blarney and you oughtn't believe a word of it. It wasn't even written by an Irishman but a Yank, and moreover his roots are Scottish, not Irish. Feckin' eedjit."

Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Achtung, Baby! Part 8.
I showed the silver .223 shells to Harlan in the top of the M-16 magazine, then inserted it into the M4 carbine, pulled the charging handle, loading it, and clicked the safety on.
I handed it to Harlan and said, "Do I assume correctly you know how to use one of these?"
"Of course", said Harlan, slinging it over his shoulder. Wouldn't make sense for us to march in with my M-16 still strapped to my own back, after all.
I pulled out my full magazine of silver tipped 9mm for my Sig 226 showed Ciara.
"want any?"
Ciara looked with disdain and said "I don't need guns to do my job."
"Suit yerself.", I said, ejecting the regular magazine, racking the slide to eject the chambered lead round, and then inserting the all-silver tipped magazine and hitting the slide release, chambering the first silver round. I concealed my Sig 226 in the small of my back, under my jacket.
"I should probably also hypnotize you to make this sound convincing.", said Harlan.
Ciara and I reluctantly agreed.
"Also, one of you should probably hit me in the face so I can sell this cock & bull story to Krieger a little easier."
Ciara slugged him without further ado or discussion.
"Fuck!", said Harlan with a bit of anger and annoyance. Ciara shrugged and offered Harlan her make-up mirror. Harlan accepted it and looked himself over, rubbing his aching jaw..."Yeah, that'll do it. Thanks, babe.", he said, tossing the mirror back.
Ciara caught it in midair and replied cooly...
"You're welcome, and don't call me babe, you sexist pig."
I handed the silver rod to Aisling and told her to remain in the clearing with Nevermore until we signaled them the all-clear. Aisling agreed.
Nate would go on slightly ahead of us to be in position to offer himself in place of the priestess's daughter.
I handed it to Harlan and said, "Do I assume correctly you know how to use one of these?"
"Of course", said Harlan, slinging it over his shoulder. Wouldn't make sense for us to march in with my M-16 still strapped to my own back, after all.
I pulled out my full magazine of silver tipped 9mm for my Sig 226 showed Ciara.
"want any?"
Ciara looked with disdain and said "I don't need guns to do my job."
"Suit yerself.", I said, ejecting the regular magazine, racking the slide to eject the chambered lead round, and then inserting the all-silver tipped magazine and hitting the slide release, chambering the first silver round. I concealed my Sig 226 in the small of my back, under my jacket.
"I should probably also hypnotize you to make this sound convincing.", said Harlan.
Ciara and I reluctantly agreed.
"Also, one of you should probably hit me in the face so I can sell this cock & bull story to Krieger a little easier."
Ciara slugged him without further ado or discussion.
"Fuck!", said Harlan with a bit of anger and annoyance. Ciara shrugged and offered Harlan her make-up mirror. Harlan accepted it and looked himself over, rubbing his aching jaw..."Yeah, that'll do it. Thanks, babe.", he said, tossing the mirror back.
Ciara caught it in midair and replied cooly...
"You're welcome, and don't call me babe, you sexist pig."
I handed the silver rod to Aisling and told her to remain in the clearing with Nevermore until we signaled them the all-clear. Aisling agreed.
Nate would go on slightly ahead of us to be in position to offer himself in place of the priestess's daughter.
Achtung, Baby! Part 7
"Trust me, this is going to work", said Harlan, a bit exasperated.
"Run it by me again, so I understand it better", I said.
"I'm going to march us back into town, bound by ropes, and tell Krieger that you kidnapped me but I turned the tables on you and captured you because I need your Ichor to complete the magic spell that can break the barrier currently surrounding this place.", explained Harlan.
"That sounds utterly crazy.", objected Ciara.
"Crazy enough to work?" said Harlan, with hope.
"Crazy enough to get us all shot.", I said, flatly.
I argued that we should all volunteer to replace all of the kids for Kindernacht and tell some Werewolf bullies to pick on someone their own size for once.
Harlan argued that while that makes for a nice fairy tale, it won't necessarily bring Krieger in at close range where we can set him up and kill him.
Ciara indicated that she or someone with piloting skills could fly the kids to safety with her special keychain. I looked dumfounded.
"That car I drove in SFO?", Ciara began
"Yeah?" I said.
"That's THIS thing...", she said, showing me the key-ring. "It also can transform into a motorcycle or a helicopter."
I said I didn't believe it and to show me the chopper. Ciara complied. She even took me for a brief flying lesson. After a few minutes at the controls, I had the basics down and asked if I could do the landing. Ciara looked at me incredulously, but agreed. I came in for a picture perfect landing.
"I didn't know you were a pilot..." said Ciara.
"Neither did I, until a few minutes ago.", I said. "But I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express in Las Vegas once, for the great Gods Conference thing awhile back...."
"Run it by me again, so I understand it better", I said.
"I'm going to march us back into town, bound by ropes, and tell Krieger that you kidnapped me but I turned the tables on you and captured you because I need your Ichor to complete the magic spell that can break the barrier currently surrounding this place.", explained Harlan.
"That sounds utterly crazy.", objected Ciara.
"Crazy enough to work?" said Harlan, with hope.
"Crazy enough to get us all shot.", I said, flatly.
I argued that we should all volunteer to replace all of the kids for Kindernacht and tell some Werewolf bullies to pick on someone their own size for once.
Harlan argued that while that makes for a nice fairy tale, it won't necessarily bring Krieger in at close range where we can set him up and kill him.
Ciara indicated that she or someone with piloting skills could fly the kids to safety with her special keychain. I looked dumfounded.
"That car I drove in SFO?", Ciara began
"Yeah?" I said.
"That's THIS thing...", she said, showing me the key-ring. "It also can transform into a motorcycle or a helicopter."
I said I didn't believe it and to show me the chopper. Ciara complied. She even took me for a brief flying lesson. After a few minutes at the controls, I had the basics down and asked if I could do the landing. Ciara looked at me incredulously, but agreed. I came in for a picture perfect landing.
"I didn't know you were a pilot..." said Ciara.
"Neither did I, until a few minutes ago.", I said. "But I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express in Las Vegas once, for the great Gods Conference thing awhile back...."
Achtung, Baby! Part 6
Nate took off on reconnaissance that very night; Because he's much better at all that sneaking around stuff. Nate managed to break into Krieger's office and come back with a very old letter, partly damaged by insects eating it through the years, evidently from the late 1930s, and penned by none other than the somewhat mad and eccentric inventor Nikola Tesla himself. Harlan explained he was going to try to convince the Goblin king to lend his hand in a coordinated assault upon the Nazi werewolves of Wolfsheim. He performed the same odd dance the goblins had done and disappeared.
The next day, Nate had more successes sneaking around Wolfsheim. He spoke to the mayor in private and gained some valuable intel on where we could finally find the missing penitents of The Morrigan. Indeed, Nate had managed to find the daughter of one of the priestesses. Nate had also found out that the long-ago ritual of Kindernacht (the ritual sacrifice of children) that Ciara and I had read about in the library was evidently co-opted by the Nazi werewolf SS squad and the ritual is continued to this day, only now the children are hunted by the werewolves in their true form instead of by the goblins, who are kept away by military force. Evidently, it is possible for a adult to replace a child by volunteering to be hunted in their place. Nate had promised the young priestess's daughter he would serve as her proxy so she would not be hunted that night.
Nate was able to show Ciara and I the way to meet where the Coven of The Morrigan assembled to pray. Ciara greeted them first, in Gaelic, explaining who she was and who had sent her. Ciara was embraced happily by all of the priestesses, who wept for joy, declaiming that their prayers had been heard and answered. I got the distinct impression Ciara didn't like such overt physical contact, at least not in public. She didn't pull away, but just endured the embraces with a quiet, patient dignity. Nate and Nevermore emerged from the clearing and the Priestesses were on guard. I stepped out as well and re-assured them in Gaelic, motioning towards myself and the other two: "We are friends", I said.
"I'm Irish", I said in Gaelic, "and these are my friends."
" 'Allo, 'allo." said Nevermore cheerfully.
One of the Priestesses scowled and said in German, "He's British?"
I reassured in Gaelic, "Yeah, he's a right English bastard, but he tries not to call me Paddy or Mhic very much so I guess he's an alright chap..."
The priestesses produced a solid silver rod, explaining they'd taken it from the statue in the middle of town not two weeks ago. Nate put 2 and 2 together from what the mayor had said, and we all realized that this act is what had made Wolfsheim into a giant magical roach motel, only one way in, no way out. This metal rod would have to be reunited to open the barrier and let us escape.
I asked Nate if maybe he could speak to the "Kami" of the rod; I don't pretend to understand it, but it's this Japanese belief that spirits inhabit every object, that everything contains within it a spark of life-force. Nate addressed the rod and it came seemingly to life. The rod answered truthfully about what it knew of its own function and that it was really keen on being reunited with it's "brother", i.e. the statue. We reassured the Kami that we were really keen on that as well.
The next day, Nate had more successes sneaking around Wolfsheim. He spoke to the mayor in private and gained some valuable intel on where we could finally find the missing penitents of The Morrigan. Indeed, Nate had managed to find the daughter of one of the priestesses. Nate had also found out that the long-ago ritual of Kindernacht (the ritual sacrifice of children) that Ciara and I had read about in the library was evidently co-opted by the Nazi werewolf SS squad and the ritual is continued to this day, only now the children are hunted by the werewolves in their true form instead of by the goblins, who are kept away by military force. Evidently, it is possible for a adult to replace a child by volunteering to be hunted in their place. Nate had promised the young priestess's daughter he would serve as her proxy so she would not be hunted that night.
Nate was able to show Ciara and I the way to meet where the Coven of The Morrigan assembled to pray. Ciara greeted them first, in Gaelic, explaining who she was and who had sent her. Ciara was embraced happily by all of the priestesses, who wept for joy, declaiming that their prayers had been heard and answered. I got the distinct impression Ciara didn't like such overt physical contact, at least not in public. She didn't pull away, but just endured the embraces with a quiet, patient dignity. Nate and Nevermore emerged from the clearing and the Priestesses were on guard. I stepped out as well and re-assured them in Gaelic, motioning towards myself and the other two: "We are friends", I said.
"I'm Irish", I said in Gaelic, "and these are my friends."
" 'Allo, 'allo." said Nevermore cheerfully.
One of the Priestesses scowled and said in German, "He's British?"
I reassured in Gaelic, "Yeah, he's a right English bastard, but he tries not to call me Paddy or Mhic very much so I guess he's an alright chap..."
The priestesses produced a solid silver rod, explaining they'd taken it from the statue in the middle of town not two weeks ago. Nate put 2 and 2 together from what the mayor had said, and we all realized that this act is what had made Wolfsheim into a giant magical roach motel, only one way in, no way out. This metal rod would have to be reunited to open the barrier and let us escape.
I asked Nate if maybe he could speak to the "Kami" of the rod; I don't pretend to understand it, but it's this Japanese belief that spirits inhabit every object, that everything contains within it a spark of life-force. Nate addressed the rod and it came seemingly to life. The rod answered truthfully about what it knew of its own function and that it was really keen on being reunited with it's "brother", i.e. the statue. We reassured the Kami that we were really keen on that as well.
Achtung, Baby! Part 5
It was well after dark when Nate and Nevermore returned.
During the day, Aisling had briefed me on what Dad had asked her to convey to me, including handing over a few more gifts, including the very pen used by Michael Collins himself to sign the treaty with the British government creating the Irish Free State. Aisling explained that although it had no inherent powers of its own, it would allow me in the future to channel special powers from the "purviews" of Justice, Guardian, and War, said Aisling with uncertainty. I reassured her I knew what Dad meant. She also explained my engagement ring would "help you shoot better and help you fight better at close quarters with Gae Bolga...somehow."; Aisling looked a little confused as to how this could be possible but I again assured her I knew what Dad meant.
"Yer Dad also told me to do this," said Aisling, performing a ritual I wasn't quite familiar with and laying her hands upon my Irish Ranger Wing bullet proof vest. She produced a sheet of paper with a prayer scribbled in Old Irish in Ogham script, and then faithfully reproduced it in tiny letters upon my vest, repeating the prayer aloud from memory. The Ogham lettering glowed then faded and disappeared into the fabric of the vest. I felt the whole vest glow briefly and fill me with a magical warmth that faded a minute or so after the magical glow had faded.
We also talked briefly about our wedding plans...Aisling was pretty open to suggestion but on one thing she was firm: "Not Dublin.", she said.
Even though Dublin wasn't Chicago, Aisling had decided she didn't want a wedding in a big city of any kind. Just a simple country wedding, in the open air, she said wistfully.
I suggested the Sacred Hill of Tara, and Aisling agreed it would be nice, but wasn't sure Dad would approve...not just any Scion could ask to be wedded there, of all places. I suggested Mag Mell but Aisling stuck out her tongue...
"Not while SHE'S still running that thank ye kindly...maybe we can renew our vows there when Master Gair grows up and takes over, but that's on down the road a bit..." said Aisling.
I noted it was a pity we couldn't invite Derrick to our wedding, as his geas would not allow him to attend. Same was likely true for Cordelia as well.
"Well, she was kind of a b*tch anyway...", said Aisling with a shrug.
I found I could talk to Aisling for hours and it never got old or boring. She knew me far to well to ever let that happen.
I looked up as Nate approached...
"So how'd it go?", I asked Nate, as he came back into the clearing.
"Not good.", said Nate.
He paused, then elaborated: "Yeah, apparently it's common knowledge around here that Hitler died in 1945 just like the history books say and all...see, I was trying to sorta bluff them that just maybe Der Führer was alive and well in Brazil, maybe and..."
I remembered this being the plot of a movie from the 1970s.
"You got that idea from the movies, right?", I inquired.
"...and they didn't buy it?"
"No, not really. Didn't think it was very funny either."
"I'm genuinely shocked that failed, Nate, really I am.", I lied, resisting the urge to face-palm.
"So 'itler's dead'n'all, can't we just declare victory and go the hell home then?", said Nevermore only half-jokingly.
To our great surprise, Harlan and Ciara reappeared from the Fairy Circle of toadstools in the clearing mound, fully awake and with quite an adventure to relate to Nate and myself and Aisling. Harlan and Ciara stared at Aisling and I said formally, "Everyone, this is my fiancee, Aisling..."
During the day, Aisling had briefed me on what Dad had asked her to convey to me, including handing over a few more gifts, including the very pen used by Michael Collins himself to sign the treaty with the British government creating the Irish Free State. Aisling explained that although it had no inherent powers of its own, it would allow me in the future to channel special powers from the "purviews" of Justice, Guardian, and War, said Aisling with uncertainty. I reassured her I knew what Dad meant. She also explained my engagement ring would "help you shoot better and help you fight better at close quarters with Gae Bolga...somehow."; Aisling looked a little confused as to how this could be possible but I again assured her I knew what Dad meant.
"Yer Dad also told me to do this," said Aisling, performing a ritual I wasn't quite familiar with and laying her hands upon my Irish Ranger Wing bullet proof vest. She produced a sheet of paper with a prayer scribbled in Old Irish in Ogham script, and then faithfully reproduced it in tiny letters upon my vest, repeating the prayer aloud from memory. The Ogham lettering glowed then faded and disappeared into the fabric of the vest. I felt the whole vest glow briefly and fill me with a magical warmth that faded a minute or so after the magical glow had faded.
We also talked briefly about our wedding plans...Aisling was pretty open to suggestion but on one thing she was firm: "Not Dublin.", she said.
Even though Dublin wasn't Chicago, Aisling had decided she didn't want a wedding in a big city of any kind. Just a simple country wedding, in the open air, she said wistfully.
I suggested the Sacred Hill of Tara, and Aisling agreed it would be nice, but wasn't sure Dad would approve...not just any Scion could ask to be wedded there, of all places. I suggested Mag Mell but Aisling stuck out her tongue...
"Not while SHE'S still running that thank ye kindly...maybe we can renew our vows there when Master Gair grows up and takes over, but that's on down the road a bit..." said Aisling.
I noted it was a pity we couldn't invite Derrick to our wedding, as his geas would not allow him to attend. Same was likely true for Cordelia as well.
"Well, she was kind of a b*tch anyway...", said Aisling with a shrug.
I found I could talk to Aisling for hours and it never got old or boring. She knew me far to well to ever let that happen.
I looked up as Nate approached...
"So how'd it go?", I asked Nate, as he came back into the clearing.
"Not good.", said Nate.
He paused, then elaborated: "Yeah, apparently it's common knowledge around here that Hitler died in 1945 just like the history books say and all...see, I was trying to sorta bluff them that just maybe Der Führer was alive and well in Brazil, maybe and..."
I remembered this being the plot of a movie from the 1970s.
"You got that idea from the movies, right?", I inquired.
"...and they didn't buy it?"
"No, not really. Didn't think it was very funny either."
"I'm genuinely shocked that failed, Nate, really I am.", I lied, resisting the urge to face-palm.
"So 'itler's dead'n'all, can't we just declare victory and go the hell home then?", said Nevermore only half-jokingly.
To our great surprise, Harlan and Ciara reappeared from the Fairy Circle of toadstools in the clearing mound, fully awake and with quite an adventure to relate to Nate and myself and Aisling. Harlan and Ciara stared at Aisling and I said formally, "Everyone, this is my fiancee, Aisling..."
Achtung, Baby! Part 4.
I was deep in penitent prayer when I heard some stomping through the underbrush the next morning and voiced in...English?
Then a crow landed on a branch beside me. Not just any old crow, either.
"Oi! Paddy wanna bandaid?", said Nevermore, before cracking up into what passes for laughter among birds, I suppose. He'd said it exactly as a human would say "Polly want a cracker" to a parrot.
"Oh very feckin' funny...", I said, wincing. I concentrated deeply and my wounds closed up all over my body.
"Y'know, I'm glad you waited to do that...made findin' you a lot easier, y'know...", said Nevermore, a bit more seriously.
I produced a wee bottle of Jameson's Irish Whiskey that I picked up in the Duty Free Shoppe in Dublin Airport...
"That's for minding Aisling in SFO", I said. "I won't tell Laurel."
Nevermore's eyes brightened..."Speakin' of, mate, I'm not the only bird what Nate brought along on dis here trip, ifn you catch my meaning...", he said, motioning towards the ground with his head and beak.
I looked down and saw Nate enter the clearing; behind him a few steps was a strikingly beautiful young woman with long, flowing, silvery-white hair I'd know heart skipped a beat. Ogma had heard and answered my prayers.
"Aisling!", I called out, then jumped down from the tree.
"Brendan!!!" she cried, rushing past Nate, who raised his hand in greeting and said simply "Yo."
Aisling kissed me deeply for a solid minute, pausing only to catch her breath and say "I love you" in Gaelic. She was petite in stature but curvy in all the right places.
Nate coughed and looked around the clearing. Nevermore flew down and landed on the truck's roof and said "...right, you two can get a room later, 'k? For now, Nate here be needin' a SITREP kinda ASAP."
I detailed for Nate all that had transpired since our arrival in Wolfsheim, and explained our encounter with Harlan, and what he'd related of his experiences as well. I handed Harlan's ID over to Nate. "My guess is he's a fellow Federal government employee of some stripe," I said. Nate looked at the ID, nodded, the put it away in his pocket.
Nate decided he and Nevermore were going to head into town. I declined, having been recently shot there and all. Apparently Irish neutrality in WW2 didn't mean much to Nazi werewolves in the 21s century.
When Nate and Nevermore had left the clearing, Aisling produced a tiny wooden box and said "yer Da told me to give this to you, said you would know what to do with the contents. He forbade me to open it until I found you."; she spoke with the same soft County Galway rural country girl accent she always had, only richer and more full.
I opened the box and found two Claddagh with a gold band and a silver heart. The other with a silver band and a golden heart. Over the gold banded ring I saw my name in Ogham script. Over the silver banded ring was Aisling's name, also in Ogham script. I placed the gold banded ring on my finger, and it glowed softly. I pulled out the silver-banded Claddagh ring and dropped to one knee before Aisling, placed the ring on her finger.
"Aisling, will you marry me?", I asked in Gaelic.
Aisling started to cry, and let out an involuntary squeal of joy and excitement...
"Fer fuck's sake I thought ye'd never ask!" she blurted out in English with a laugh...she smiled warmly and said after a solemn pause, "Aisling O'Shea has a very nice ring to I think I have to say 'yes'. Yes, Brendan O'Shea, I will marry you, if that is your wish."
"Yer the answer to my prayers, my love, and that is my deep and abiding wish.", I said, simply.
Both rings glowed brightly for a brief second then faded.
Then a crow landed on a branch beside me. Not just any old crow, either.
"Oi! Paddy wanna bandaid?", said Nevermore, before cracking up into what passes for laughter among birds, I suppose. He'd said it exactly as a human would say "Polly want a cracker" to a parrot.
"Oh very feckin' funny...", I said, wincing. I concentrated deeply and my wounds closed up all over my body.
"Y'know, I'm glad you waited to do that...made findin' you a lot easier, y'know...", said Nevermore, a bit more seriously.
I produced a wee bottle of Jameson's Irish Whiskey that I picked up in the Duty Free Shoppe in Dublin Airport...
"That's for minding Aisling in SFO", I said. "I won't tell Laurel."
Nevermore's eyes brightened..."Speakin' of, mate, I'm not the only bird what Nate brought along on dis here trip, ifn you catch my meaning...", he said, motioning towards the ground with his head and beak.
I looked down and saw Nate enter the clearing; behind him a few steps was a strikingly beautiful young woman with long, flowing, silvery-white hair I'd know heart skipped a beat. Ogma had heard and answered my prayers.
"Aisling!", I called out, then jumped down from the tree.
"Brendan!!!" she cried, rushing past Nate, who raised his hand in greeting and said simply "Yo."
Aisling kissed me deeply for a solid minute, pausing only to catch her breath and say "I love you" in Gaelic. She was petite in stature but curvy in all the right places.
Nate coughed and looked around the clearing. Nevermore flew down and landed on the truck's roof and said "...right, you two can get a room later, 'k? For now, Nate here be needin' a SITREP kinda ASAP."
I detailed for Nate all that had transpired since our arrival in Wolfsheim, and explained our encounter with Harlan, and what he'd related of his experiences as well. I handed Harlan's ID over to Nate. "My guess is he's a fellow Federal government employee of some stripe," I said. Nate looked at the ID, nodded, the put it away in his pocket.
Nate decided he and Nevermore were going to head into town. I declined, having been recently shot there and all. Apparently Irish neutrality in WW2 didn't mean much to Nazi werewolves in the 21s century.
When Nate and Nevermore had left the clearing, Aisling produced a tiny wooden box and said "yer Da told me to give this to you, said you would know what to do with the contents. He forbade me to open it until I found you."; she spoke with the same soft County Galway rural country girl accent she always had, only richer and more full.
I opened the box and found two Claddagh with a gold band and a silver heart. The other with a silver band and a golden heart. Over the gold banded ring I saw my name in Ogham script. Over the silver banded ring was Aisling's name, also in Ogham script. I placed the gold banded ring on my finger, and it glowed softly. I pulled out the silver-banded Claddagh ring and dropped to one knee before Aisling, placed the ring on her finger.
"Aisling, will you marry me?", I asked in Gaelic.
Aisling started to cry, and let out an involuntary squeal of joy and excitement...
"Fer fuck's sake I thought ye'd never ask!" she blurted out in English with a laugh...she smiled warmly and said after a solemn pause, "Aisling O'Shea has a very nice ring to I think I have to say 'yes'. Yes, Brendan O'Shea, I will marry you, if that is your wish."
"Yer the answer to my prayers, my love, and that is my deep and abiding wish.", I said, simply.
Both rings glowed brightly for a brief second then faded.
Achtung, Baby! Part 3
Ciara explained a little of the history of this town. Relatively new, as German history goes, having been founded in 1805, in the midst of the Napoleonic Wars. The founder of the town apparently had a problem with Goblins. Some sort of deal was worked out involving the giving up (read: sacrifice) of one child a year to ensure the peace. Also, evidently something happened in 1943. A Nazi unit moved into this little corner of of Germany known as Wolfsheim and apparently never left. It's like that wild story of one of those Japanese soldiers found in the 1960s on a deserted Pacific Island who thought the war was still on and killed one of his "rescuers", an American soldier if I recall.
As we exited the Library, Ciara and I were accosted by a well-dressed American man in English, who was being handled rather roughly by some of the guards in field gray SS uniforms. Ciara caught on, and shouted something about a Goblin attack, in German, at the top of her lungs. Her voice seemed to carry and echo and take on a life of its own, spreading a general sense of panic throughout the town. All but one of the (Neo?)Nazi guards left the American's side in search of the non-existent Goblin invasion. The American motioned towards us and I could overhear him haggle with the guard...."you don't understand, I NEED those two to pull this off!! If the Goblins get them, I'm telling Krieger it's your fault!"
The guard looked frustrated, then turned to Ciara and I and motioned with his rifle towards the tavern entrance.
Sie beide! Hinein ins Gasthaus! Sofort!
Ciara and I nodded and circled round to where the American was standing. The guard impatiently pushed us along with his rifle at port arms, and closed the tavern door behind us.
The tavern owner looked up quizzically and asked what the devil was going on?
"Your humble village is under attack by Goblins", said the American, in perfectly accented German. He even looked a little "aryan" with his neatly styled blonde hair and grey-blue eyes.
The tavern owner's eyes went wide with terror and he seized a large 18th century musket of the sort that probably fired on Napoleon's advancing armies around the time this town was founded. I had assumed it was a decorative piece of art when I'd seen it, but now that I looked at it more closely, it was clearly a fully functioning and well-maintained piece of Napoleonic era military equipment.
He motioned for us to get behind him, stating he would do his best to protect his guests.
We made our way to the rear of the tavern, to the store room. Brief introductions were made. The American's name was Harlan Gray. He knew I worked for Interpol, based in Lyon, France, having risen up the ranks of the Irish GARDA. He also knew Ciara was the daughter of an Irish War Goddess, and that I was a son of Ogma, also of Pantheon Tuatha de Danann. "As for me, well, like you, I also have a divine parent and special abilities just like you do."
Harlan explained his having arrived in Wolfsheim ahead of us, and his meeting with Colonel Krieger, the SS commander of this area, whose office is located in the munitions factory upon the hill. Harlan further explained that he has been told that once someone enters this particular Terra Incognita, it is evidently impossible to leave. Harlan bragged that he managed to bluff Krieger into believing that he (Harlan) had the ability to cast a spell to open up the Terra Incognita to the rest of the world again, but that he was going to need our help to pull off the next step of his plan against Krieger.
"Oh, and I almost forgot the most important part. The Nazi guys? They're all werewolves in Human form. So if you've got any silver weapons, that'd be a good thing."
I showed Harlan my silver dagger. I'd decide later whether or not to reveal the silver bullets I'd crafted for my firearms. I hadn't even told Ciara that.
"That's all well and good," I said, "...but for the time being, do you think we can get the feckin' hell out of this crazy little village?"
Ciara agreed and we managed to slip out the back door and into the woods. We made our way back to the clearing where we'd seen the fairy circle of mushrooms. Harlan was skeptical of the alleged barrier..."I mean, maybe it keeps in humans and wimpy werewolves, but I'm a Demi-god, and you two are high level Hero Scions. I say we test this sucker."
Having survived the SoCal Terra Incognita and the Battle of Mag Mell, I wasn't quite so eager as either Harlan or Ciara to put this to the test. "Suit yourself," said Ciara in Gaelic..."What's the worst that could happen?"
The two set off side by side down the gravel road towards where the barrier was reputed to be. As I stood watching them in the distance, they both suddenly lost consciousness and crumbled into a heap on the road ahead.
I assessed Ciara's health first; She was alive, but her pulse was weak, breathing was very shallow and it was clear she was out cold, coma-like, and utterly unresponsive. Harlan was similarly incapacitated. I rifled through his pockets and came up with his photo ID, a driver's license from "Alexandria, VA", which I knew was a suburb of Washington DC and home to many employees of the US Federal Government. Mr. Gray could be anything from State Department to a Senator's aide, from Homeland Security to FBI to CIA to any of the other "alphabet soup" agencies the US is famous for, or some odd combination like that.
I hoisted both of their limp bodies upon my shoulders like sacks of potatoes. I found my way back to the abandoned pick-up truck we'd found on the road earlier that Ciara had checked was still running. I dumped Harlan in the bed of the truck, and the laid Ciara gently across the passenger's seat...I let her head rest gently on my shoulder as I drove the truck to the edge of the clearing. She drooled a bit but I wouldn't tell her that. I'd gotten far worse on my GARDA jacket over the years...hell, the past few months in New Orleans, for that matter.
It was one of those long truck seats that's really more like a bench, so I was able to lay Ciara stretched out in a comfortable resting position after I stopped the truck. I balled up her jacket like a pillow and put it underneath her head. I opened the windows a crack on both sides to allow ventilation. I then locked both doors and put the truck key in Ciara's pocket, then shut the doors behind me.
I floated up into the trees using my runic Celtic tatoo and perched on a branch, well concealed in the tree canopy. Night was falling, and soon it would be completely dark in the forest. Time crept by. I reached instinctively for my whiskey flask but remembered again that it was with Dad...because Aisling was with Dad, too. My heart ached as I realized how much I missed her; How much I wanted her to be there with me in that tree, so we could talk, tell jokes, pass the time.
I had figured that if the Nazis and the Goblins were mortal enemies, if Harlan was telling the truth about that...then our best bet would be to run into some Goblins tonight...hopefully a Goblin patrol would find us.
I was very surprised when the mushrooms of the Fairy Circle began to glow in an ethereal light and two short, stocky figures emerged from the raised mound. I kept completely silent, just observing. I heard a guttural language that was almost like German, but very rudimentary and crude...imagine if such a thing as German "ebonics" existed...or maybe the way Traveler's Shelta sounds compared to formal and proper Gaelic...
They found Harlan right away and hefted his body out of the truck. They had a bit more difficulty figuring out the lock on the truck, but in time they managed to jimmy the lock with a thin wire with a loop...they used the crack I'd left for ventilation, ironically, to hook round the unlocking knob and pull it up and open.
Carrying both limp bodies back over to the mound, they grunted "...must take to his majesty...", and they began A crude Germanic jig of some sort...? The light grew brighter, there was a blinding flash that lit up the clearing almost bright as day, and then they were gone.
Very interesting. I wasn't worried, though. I figured that the best place for two unconscious scions to be was as far away from Nazi werewolves as possible and in the hands of enemies of said Nazi werewolves. Enemy of my enemy isn't always my friend, but it often tends to work out that way, at least in the short term.
Curiosity got the better of me, though, so I decided to take to the air and see what I could see of the factory, maybe swing in a little closer for a better look, see if there was anything special about the type of munitions being made there...
It looked heavily guarded, not unlike a prison compound...not unlike The Order's compound in Northern California, actually. Lots of search lights scanning the air...for what? allied planes?? Sheesh, probably security protocols unchanged since 1943 as well.
As if by way of answer, I flew straight into a flak barrage...or more accurately, as I was lost in idle thoughts like these, one of the big beams illuminated me completely and the Gerry Werewolves opened up on me with M-16 rifle fire on fully automatic. I had my bullet proof vest on, and I started to dash up and away nearly immediately, but still some of their rifle shells managed to penetrate. For the record, bullets still feckin' hurt...a lot!
I made my way back to the open clearing where the Goblins had taken away Harlan and Ciara, evading active Werewolf patrols and wishing now I'd asked the Goblins nicely to take me as well...feckin' hell..
I landed back on the same tree with the excellent canopy cover and clasped my hands together and began to pray to my heavenly father, Oh Ogma most and protect me in this my darkest hour...I decided not to heal myself just yet...I felt as though the pain would underscore my piety in that moment, that I was willing to endure great suffering for his sake...I switched from English, to Gaelic, to Old Irish. I notched sacred Ogham script into the tree with my silver dagger and kissed them. Even though she can't read Ogham, I scratched Aisling's name in Ogham and kissed that as well. I scratched my name beside hers, along with the Old Irish word for love. Oh, Ogma how I love her so. I need her so...please....please....
As we exited the Library, Ciara and I were accosted by a well-dressed American man in English, who was being handled rather roughly by some of the guards in field gray SS uniforms. Ciara caught on, and shouted something about a Goblin attack, in German, at the top of her lungs. Her voice seemed to carry and echo and take on a life of its own, spreading a general sense of panic throughout the town. All but one of the (Neo?)Nazi guards left the American's side in search of the non-existent Goblin invasion. The American motioned towards us and I could overhear him haggle with the guard...."you don't understand, I NEED those two to pull this off!! If the Goblins get them, I'm telling Krieger it's your fault!"
The guard looked frustrated, then turned to Ciara and I and motioned with his rifle towards the tavern entrance.
Sie beide! Hinein ins Gasthaus! Sofort!
Ciara and I nodded and circled round to where the American was standing. The guard impatiently pushed us along with his rifle at port arms, and closed the tavern door behind us.
The tavern owner looked up quizzically and asked what the devil was going on?
"Your humble village is under attack by Goblins", said the American, in perfectly accented German. He even looked a little "aryan" with his neatly styled blonde hair and grey-blue eyes.
The tavern owner's eyes went wide with terror and he seized a large 18th century musket of the sort that probably fired on Napoleon's advancing armies around the time this town was founded. I had assumed it was a decorative piece of art when I'd seen it, but now that I looked at it more closely, it was clearly a fully functioning and well-maintained piece of Napoleonic era military equipment.
He motioned for us to get behind him, stating he would do his best to protect his guests.
We made our way to the rear of the tavern, to the store room. Brief introductions were made. The American's name was Harlan Gray. He knew I worked for Interpol, based in Lyon, France, having risen up the ranks of the Irish GARDA. He also knew Ciara was the daughter of an Irish War Goddess, and that I was a son of Ogma, also of Pantheon Tuatha de Danann. "As for me, well, like you, I also have a divine parent and special abilities just like you do."
Harlan explained his having arrived in Wolfsheim ahead of us, and his meeting with Colonel Krieger, the SS commander of this area, whose office is located in the munitions factory upon the hill. Harlan further explained that he has been told that once someone enters this particular Terra Incognita, it is evidently impossible to leave. Harlan bragged that he managed to bluff Krieger into believing that he (Harlan) had the ability to cast a spell to open up the Terra Incognita to the rest of the world again, but that he was going to need our help to pull off the next step of his plan against Krieger.
"Oh, and I almost forgot the most important part. The Nazi guys? They're all werewolves in Human form. So if you've got any silver weapons, that'd be a good thing."
I showed Harlan my silver dagger. I'd decide later whether or not to reveal the silver bullets I'd crafted for my firearms. I hadn't even told Ciara that.
"That's all well and good," I said, "...but for the time being, do you think we can get the feckin' hell out of this crazy little village?"
Ciara agreed and we managed to slip out the back door and into the woods. We made our way back to the clearing where we'd seen the fairy circle of mushrooms. Harlan was skeptical of the alleged barrier..."I mean, maybe it keeps in humans and wimpy werewolves, but I'm a Demi-god, and you two are high level Hero Scions. I say we test this sucker."
Having survived the SoCal Terra Incognita and the Battle of Mag Mell, I wasn't quite so eager as either Harlan or Ciara to put this to the test. "Suit yourself," said Ciara in Gaelic..."What's the worst that could happen?"
The two set off side by side down the gravel road towards where the barrier was reputed to be. As I stood watching them in the distance, they both suddenly lost consciousness and crumbled into a heap on the road ahead.
I assessed Ciara's health first; She was alive, but her pulse was weak, breathing was very shallow and it was clear she was out cold, coma-like, and utterly unresponsive. Harlan was similarly incapacitated. I rifled through his pockets and came up with his photo ID, a driver's license from "Alexandria, VA", which I knew was a suburb of Washington DC and home to many employees of the US Federal Government. Mr. Gray could be anything from State Department to a Senator's aide, from Homeland Security to FBI to CIA to any of the other "alphabet soup" agencies the US is famous for, or some odd combination like that.
I hoisted both of their limp bodies upon my shoulders like sacks of potatoes. I found my way back to the abandoned pick-up truck we'd found on the road earlier that Ciara had checked was still running. I dumped Harlan in the bed of the truck, and the laid Ciara gently across the passenger's seat...I let her head rest gently on my shoulder as I drove the truck to the edge of the clearing. She drooled a bit but I wouldn't tell her that. I'd gotten far worse on my GARDA jacket over the years...hell, the past few months in New Orleans, for that matter.
It was one of those long truck seats that's really more like a bench, so I was able to lay Ciara stretched out in a comfortable resting position after I stopped the truck. I balled up her jacket like a pillow and put it underneath her head. I opened the windows a crack on both sides to allow ventilation. I then locked both doors and put the truck key in Ciara's pocket, then shut the doors behind me.
I floated up into the trees using my runic Celtic tatoo and perched on a branch, well concealed in the tree canopy. Night was falling, and soon it would be completely dark in the forest. Time crept by. I reached instinctively for my whiskey flask but remembered again that it was with Dad...because Aisling was with Dad, too. My heart ached as I realized how much I missed her; How much I wanted her to be there with me in that tree, so we could talk, tell jokes, pass the time.
I had figured that if the Nazis and the Goblins were mortal enemies, if Harlan was telling the truth about that...then our best bet would be to run into some Goblins tonight...hopefully a Goblin patrol would find us.
I was very surprised when the mushrooms of the Fairy Circle began to glow in an ethereal light and two short, stocky figures emerged from the raised mound. I kept completely silent, just observing. I heard a guttural language that was almost like German, but very rudimentary and crude...imagine if such a thing as German "ebonics" existed...or maybe the way Traveler's Shelta sounds compared to formal and proper Gaelic...
They found Harlan right away and hefted his body out of the truck. They had a bit more difficulty figuring out the lock on the truck, but in time they managed to jimmy the lock with a thin wire with a loop...they used the crack I'd left for ventilation, ironically, to hook round the unlocking knob and pull it up and open.
Carrying both limp bodies back over to the mound, they grunted "...must take to his majesty...", and they began A crude Germanic jig of some sort...? The light grew brighter, there was a blinding flash that lit up the clearing almost bright as day, and then they were gone.
Very interesting. I wasn't worried, though. I figured that the best place for two unconscious scions to be was as far away from Nazi werewolves as possible and in the hands of enemies of said Nazi werewolves. Enemy of my enemy isn't always my friend, but it often tends to work out that way, at least in the short term.
Curiosity got the better of me, though, so I decided to take to the air and see what I could see of the factory, maybe swing in a little closer for a better look, see if there was anything special about the type of munitions being made there...
It looked heavily guarded, not unlike a prison compound...not unlike The Order's compound in Northern California, actually. Lots of search lights scanning the air...for what? allied planes?? Sheesh, probably security protocols unchanged since 1943 as well.
As if by way of answer, I flew straight into a flak barrage...or more accurately, as I was lost in idle thoughts like these, one of the big beams illuminated me completely and the Gerry Werewolves opened up on me with M-16 rifle fire on fully automatic. I had my bullet proof vest on, and I started to dash up and away nearly immediately, but still some of their rifle shells managed to penetrate. For the record, bullets still feckin' hurt...a lot!
I made my way back to the open clearing where the Goblins had taken away Harlan and Ciara, evading active Werewolf patrols and wishing now I'd asked the Goblins nicely to take me as well...feckin' hell..
I landed back on the same tree with the excellent canopy cover and clasped my hands together and began to pray to my heavenly father, Oh Ogma most and protect me in this my darkest hour...I decided not to heal myself just yet...I felt as though the pain would underscore my piety in that moment, that I was willing to endure great suffering for his sake...I switched from English, to Gaelic, to Old Irish. I notched sacred Ogham script into the tree with my silver dagger and kissed them. Even though she can't read Ogham, I scratched Aisling's name in Ogham and kissed that as well. I scratched my name beside hers, along with the Old Irish word for love. Oh, Ogma how I love her so. I need her so...please....please....
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